Asthma Unveiled Causes, Types & Control

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It is an alergic diseas. When an irritant reaches the airways of the lungs, they become inflamed. Mucus starts to be produced and the airways become so narrowthat breathing becomes difficult and dangerous. A wheezing sound accures while breathing and the patient struggles to breathe often gasping. It condition causes severe breathing difficulty and frequent shortness of breathing.
According to recent research , one in every three individuals in the world suffers from asthma. This condition is not limited to childhood. It can also develop severely after the age of sixteen the research indicates that certain clear symptoms are present. Asthma can be said that is a likelihood of offering one in three people.

Symtoms of Asthma

Right diagonose is the first step of treating asthma. Commonly the symptoms indicates to the asthma are useually in below.
Struggling while breathing.
Wheezing sound during breathing.
Vomting with cough in chilren.

The symptoms are moreoften in the morning and night.
Chest infection.
Enxiety during sleep.
Tiredness without doing any hard working.

A hole accures between the ribs when they inhale are signs of chest tightness.
Flaring of the nostrils while breathing especially in the children is a common symptom of this.
Some patients have two symptoms in one time while some have more symptoms in one time. Thats because we have to consult a good doctor whenever we found many symptoms.
If treatment could not be done in time. It involves the lungs losing their elasticity , making it difficult to breath rhis condition is called emphysima. This condition is rarely found in children.

Types of Asthma

There are many types of asthma some of them are below.

Allergic Asthma

In this type of Asthma a specific sound of wheezing is accured in allergic persons. Allergic persons are triggered by allergen like pollen, dust, mites, pet dander mold or certain foods. When an allergic person exposed to these allergens their immune system overreactes because of inflammation and narrowing of the airways and make symptoms like coughing shortness of breath , chest tightning and wheezing sound during breathing. The allergicpersons are very sensitive.

Due to Digestive System

It can be triggered problems in the digestive system. Breathing difficulty is the cause of the body response to acid reflex. The inflammation and tightening of bronchial tubes are the cause of irritation by acid of airways. Chest discomfort , coughing during eating , shortness of breathing during or after eating , frequently heart burns we have to avoid food that leads.


Heart asthma is also called cardiac asthma that can cause due to heart or inability of pumping blood that effect very hard. When heart or blood flow is good it can be very good for patients.


It is because of physical activities or difficult and hard tasks in regular activities triggered narrow of the airways can cause asthma symptoms. It is because of rapid breath in the situation when you do exercise it caused dry airways and become irritated. To avoid this situation before doing exercise you have to eat medicine.


In this condition asthma patients cannot sleep or rest properly. During sleep patient is irritated by difficulty of breath in sleeping and rest.


It can caused due to workplace like you are working in a worse chemical factory that irritates or harm the asthma patients. If these patients do not make something for them they leads to asthma symptoms.

Asthma due to Some Medicine

Some times it is possible when some medicine reacts on us that can cause to asthma. We have to avoid that medicine when we know that this medicine is harmful for us cause of a worsen asthma symptoms. Breathing difficulty is the cause of the body response to acid reflex. The inflammation and tightening of bronchial tubes are the cause of irritation by acid of airways. Chest discomfort , coughing during eating , shortness of breathing during or after eating , frequently heart burns we have to avoid food that leads to asthma.


Heart asthma is also called cardiac asthma that can cause due to heart or inability of pumping blood that effect very hard. When heart or blood flow is good it can be very good for asthma patients.


It is because of physical activities or difficult and hard tasks in regular activities triggered narrow of the airways can cause symptoms. It is because of rapid breath in the situation when you do exercise it caused dry airways and become irritated. To avoid this situation before doing exercise you have to eat medicine.


In this condition asthma patients cannot sleep or rest properly. During sleep patient is irritated by difficulty of breath in sleeping and rest.


It can caused due to workplace like you are working in a worse chemical factory that irritates or harm the asthma patients. If these patients do not make something for them they leads to asthma symptoms.

Due to Some Medicine

Some times it is possible when some medicine reacts on us that can cause to asthma. We have to avoid that medicine when we know that this medicine is harmful for us.


It is a research that the persons that eat fruit and the persons that do not eat fruit have a huge difference because the persons that eat fruit are have the immunity to control. And have less possibilities to have asthma. Recently approach is that fruits have the antioxidants that protect from like diseases. Specialists said for children that when children eat fruit like orange, apple and grapes in daily routine they are protected by lungs problem and breath difficulty. It is commonly said that patients are have psychological problems , emotional essues anger and enxiety are the main causes of asthma so wehave to control our anger emotional stress to treat by this.


It is that sun shine is very important and good for patients. Because sunshine has a big amount of vitaminD that is big immune for asthma. It is said that a person that have vitaminD in big amount have no vitamin D controls immunity system and controls asthma symptoms.
A research said that the childrenthat watch tv for 2 hours in a day have more chances to have asthma more than the children that do not watch tv for two hours.

Apple has a big treatment power for asthma. It protect the children from asthma. Give your children apple juice and person have to eat apple daily. Apple has the properties that are good to open breathing pipes , make power brething power and best for mucus in lungs. So we can say that apple is best treatment of asthma. We can do everything by changing lifestyle so we have to change our life. To stay healthy to avoid triggers stay away from pollen, smoke, dust and more allegen. To maintain a healthy diet we have to use fruits and vegetables and the food that is anti inflammatory. We have to practice breathing to improve lungs functions. It friendly exercises are very important like swimming or yoga.

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