Best Nutrition & Fitness Tips for a Strong & Healthy Bod

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Nutrition & Fitness


Nutrition & fitness are two main pillars of healthy life. Both work together to support mental and physical health , improve imuniti system and level up over all quality of life. It improve every thing you want to lose weight , gain muscle or want to have simply stay healthy. It is assential to understand how proper nutrition and exercise work together .
We are going to cover the basic of nutrition , different types of physical activities and how to enhance thier results by combine them.


The process of providing essential nutrients to the body is called nutrition. It is need to function properly. macronutrient , micronutrient and adiquate hydration are included in a well balanced diet.


A big amount of nutrients that provides enrgy to support the functions of body. Macronutrient is a main block of nutrition .


Basic source of energy like fruits , vegetables , legumes are provide carbohydrates. There are two types of carbohydrates . the carbs that provide energy very fast but made suger spikes called simple carbs like honey. And the carbs that provide energy and fiber slowly called complex carbs the sourses of complex carbs are beans and whole grains .


The source of immune function , enzyme production and muscle repair is protein .
Eggs , beans , fish, meal and nuts are the main source of protein. Amino acids produce protein , sometimes we obtain protein from food that is also source of amino acids .


The main thing that is important for hormone production , energy and brain function is fat. Fatty fish , nuts , seeds , avocado are the main source of fat. Fats are of two types the fats that support heart health are healthy fats its like saturated fats. The fats that are unhealthy and make the risks of disease is called unhealthy fats like excessive saturated fats.


Vitamins and minerals are micronutrient .its requirement is smaller because it plays very crucial role for body function.


Vitamins do support immune system , it also helps to regular metabolism . Vitamin C is immunity booster while to vitamin D helpful for bone health.


The main functions of minerals are nerve function , bone health and muscle gain. Transportation of oxygen in body is the work of iron while body use to strong bones is calcium.


Hydration is the key of stay healthy water is the source of being hydrated. That make our body improve digestion , keep temperature regulate and good for blood circulation. 8 Glasses of water is a common recommendation in a day. Basically it needs to divide it on activity level, health requirment and climate .


Exercise and physical activities are the main source of improve strength that is called fitness. Nutrition & Fitness also helps to improve flexibility , endurance and overall health. There are some types of exercises


Swimming , cycling and running are the cardio exercise that work on heart rate and on lungs it also burns calories.


Yoga dynamic mobility and also stretching are called flexibility exercise. It improves posture , prevent injuries , enhance performance in other work outs. You can say that it is the basic of exercise .


Push ups , weight lifting , squats and body weight exercise are the trainings of strength. It boosts metabolism , build muscle mass and improve bone density.
Standing on one leg and balance board are the best exercises toprevent fall , improve stability and balance your body .
It is very good and even important to sleep 7 to 9 hours per night. And resting in the day for a specific time and make shure to take proteins and nutrients to make a recovery for your body.


To achieve a very good health results it is necessary to follow physical and nutrients together. There are some points of different fitness goals .
To preserve muscle mass it is helpful to use high protein .
To hormonal balance and prevent cravings choose healthy fats.
You have to burn calories more than you consum .


sustained energy and long work out are provided by high carbohydrated diet.
If you use electolytes it is very effective for muscle .
Water drinking is important and from other ways to stay hydrated that maintains performance .
If you take your pre workout nutrition 30 to 60 minutes before exercise it helps in focus on energy and endurance. It must be oatmeal with fruit or, a bnana with peanut butter.
If you take your post workout nutrition that is 30 to 60 minutes after workout it can do muscle recovery. Post workout nutrition must be chicken , brown rice or sweet potatoes .


Nutrition & Fitness is myth that carbohydrates are not good for health. But the truth is that choose whole unprocessed carbs that are important to give energy.

It is myth that you can do exercise with a bad diet. But the reality is that any exercise cannot do that type of result that when you do your fitness and nutrition together.
It is myth that you need only suppliments to see the result that you want. But the reality is that all foods have basic suppliments but it is necessary to balance them up to enhance your required suppliments.

It is also amyth that weight lifting makes body bulky it is not good its after results are not good because when you left the gym your body will be loose. But the reality is that when you choose weight lifting exercise you are toning your body and it is also boost metabolism. It takes many of years to train your body.


Fitness and nutrition are combined they both are interconnected and very good for health. On one hand physical activities maintains a healthy metabolism and body shape while the other hand a healthy diet work like a fuel for workouts. They both make effective results on our healthy life style improve physical performance. By combining the nutrition and fitness we can achieve long lasting health and can enhance our quality of healthy life.
A good fact is that if you follow a steady routine and do sustainable changes it leads to long term healthy success. So do physical performance and plan good nutrients lead to a successful healthy well being.

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